Home Angle Why we should be grateful to Ashok Gehlot for bringing Nirogi Rajasthan.

Why we should be grateful to Ashok Gehlot for bringing Nirogi Rajasthan.


A random visit to an endocrinologist recently made me realize the importance of healthy living and following a disciplined lifestyle. After a increased sugar level was revealed in the test, the grey haired doctor had only one prescription –  walk as much as you can and lead a disciplined life..and then came his advice, ‘Haven’t you heard our CM saying about Nirogi Rajasthan ? you must take steps to improve health so that you are not put on medication” . As I left the clinic under the fear of disease, the promise of improving my daily lifestyle for remaining ‘Nirogi’ was only hovering my mind.

The words of Chief Minister Gehlot, ‘ Pehla sukh Nirogi kaya’ were resonating in my head as I decided to lose weight and practice healthy lifestyle.

The idea of revealing this story is to reiterate the importance of preventive steps for a better health an idea which is propagated through Nirogi Rajasthan theme of Gehlot. And It begins with ourselves. We don’t need a government help or support but by taking small and significant steps we can partner the government in this mass awareness drive.


Nirogi Rajasthan is aimed at making people aware of various health problems and diseases so that they can take preventive steps. A person would be lucky is he doesn’t falls prey to any disease during his lifetime.  This often does not happens given our lifestyle , eating habits and between pulls and pressures of our daily life we often ignore our health.

Nirogi Rajasthan’ drive is such an initiative which has brought of focus back on health.  We realize the importance of being healthy when we fall ill but many times it becomes late. So sooner the better , let us practice healthy lifestyle and thank Gehlot for bringing health back as a topic of discussion and attention.


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