Home Angle ACB realizing Gehlot’s vision of ‘Sushashan’ by hunting ‘big fishes’ of corruption.

ACB realizing Gehlot’s vision of ‘Sushashan’ by hunting ‘big fishes’ of corruption.


Ashok Gehlot government’s continuous stress on providing a clean transparent and honest model of governance has been hitting the menace of corruption hard. The big action taken by Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) on Sunday in its bid to catch corrupt officials in department of transport can be termed as a success for Gehlot government to realize its vision of good governance. It is a significant step towards the government’s resolve against corruption and Gehlot’s intention of being zero tolerant against corruption.

While the ACB continues to investigate the matter on Monday too after its action on Sunday, one thing became clear that the government will not shy away from taking action against anyone who is found to be corrupt.

On Sunday, search operations were carried out at multiple locations of seven transport officers after long surveillance. Media has reported that an amount of Rs. 1.20 crore in cash and documents of multiple properties and records of deals were seized from them.

While the action of ACB may be ignored by saying that it’s the job of the body to prevent corruption but we forget that it’s the political leadership whose freehand to the sleuths boost their morale and to carry out the investigation without any political interference.

Gehlot government has respected this sentiment and it has infact only encouraged the officials.

In November last year, while conducting a review meeting of the department, Chief Minister Gehlot had  said his government has a zero-tolerance policy on corruption and anyone found involved in such acts will not be spared. This has been clearly reflected in Sunday’s action.


One thing is sure, that after this action by ACB, the dishonest and corrupt officials will have only one thing in their mind ,  ‘fear’ and will surely prompt them to desist from corrupt practices and become honest.




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