Home National Rajasthan assembly session : Shouldn’t the demand of majority of MLAs and...

Rajasthan assembly session : Shouldn’t the demand of majority of MLAs and will of the popular government prevail ?


Questions are being raised, whether Rajasthan Governor can refuse or delay his consent to summon the assembly. Constitutional experts give reference of Article 174 while explaining the provisions under the constitution and claim that the governor  can summon, prorogue and dissolve the House, only on the aid and advice of the council of ministers with the chief minister as the head.  And not on his own. They claim that he is precluded from taking an individual decision.

In Rajasthan, the Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot and his council of ministers want to call the session and take up certain issues including proving his majority on the floor of the house. The Governor’s refusal to do so yesterday has given rise to several debates & the Congress party has decided to hit the road. It is organising demonstrations today on Saturday demanding the assembly session.

But the pertinent question here is why the Governor is not willing to call the assembly? Experts claim that if there are any technical issues those could have been sorted out between the offices of governor and department of parliamentary affairs of the state.

With more than 100 MLAs and an elected government willing to convene the session, if the Governor doesn’t allow then it will give the message that popular will of the people is not being respected. People ‘s will is  supreme in democracy.

Saturday will be an important day politically not only for the state, but for the entire nation. The people across the country are observing the next step of the Governor.  Obviously the elected government represents the will of the people and should be given the chance to conduct the business of the house as per its plan and agenda.


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