Saturday, September 21, 2024

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un Summit Handshake — What It All Means

It was a friendly handshake, but not too friendly. This was the first meeting between the two leaders — one a 71-year-old billionaire businessman democratically...

Our Bureaucrats Are Prepared To Work As Babus, Not Like The Masters!

The Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) put out an advertisement on Sunday inviting applications for 10 senior-level positions in various departments. The plan is to...

Changing Monsoon Patterns Worsening India’s Water Crisis, Conflicts: Study

Tourists are being asked to stay away from Shimla during peak holiday season, and schools have been shut for this week, as the city received nearly...

Why BJP MPs are not so happy with working style of PM Narendra modi...

Members of Parliament (MPs) have a grouse against finance minister Arun Jaitley. He had given them a salary hike in his Budget 2018, and...

क्या दुनिया में अब पश्चिम की बजाय पूर्व ताकत का केंद्र बनता जा रहा...

बीते शनिवार को दुनिया की सात बड़ी आर्थिक ताकतों के संगठन जी-7 की बैठक इस समूह में बिखराव और आपसी कड़वाहट के बीच खत्म...

Has Modi govrenmet failed to deliver promised jobs

One of the many promises Narendra Modi made on the campaign trail in 2014 was that the Bharatiya Janata Party would generate employment. The...

In Shivraj’s MP People forced to store drinking water in a septic tank

Can a human being store drinking water in a septic tank? According to the findings of an enterprising journalist, over 600 families in Tikamgarh...

Dalit Literature That Reflects a Grotesque Reality Surviving in India

The recent assertion of Dalit identity in the Indian public sphere is not only the product of a political process but also the result...

There Must Be No Double Standards in Using Public Funds for Religious Places

India is a secular state with religion still playing a central role in our body politic. Many argue that the Western idea of secularism...

People like Ankit Saxena’s father are the real ‘Eidi’ for India

In the Indian subcontinent, mutual distrust and hatred between Hindus and Muslims is sometime insipient while at other times painfully obvious. We are yet to...